Microphone and Sound Track

Hello there!

Ignite your podcasting journey!!

Introducing our Personalized ​Strategy Call!!

Welcome to a transformative podcast ​strategy experience tailored just for ​you!

Confused? It shouldn't ​be this way ...

Embark on a transformative journey with our ​Podcast Strategy Call, tailored to address the core ​challenges hindering your podcasting success. If ​you're facing a lack of clarity on your podcast's ​unique path, struggling with imposter syndrome, or ​finding it challenging to craft a compelling launch, ​our 60-minute session is designed for you. ​Experience real-time guidance, personalized ​solutions, and a roadmap to overcome these ​hurdles and fast-track your podcasting goals. Let's ​uncover the reasons behind your challenges and ​pave the way for a successful podcasting journey.

A Confused Woman Looking at her Laptop


Women Having Conversation Inside the Recording Studio

TSVS Personalized Strategy Call

Our Podcast Audit is the ultimate solution to common podcasting pain points. ​From boosting visibility and providing clarity on your podcasting path to ​overcoming tech challenges and deepening audience engagement, this ​comprehensive audit addresses key concerns. For just $197, unlock hidden ​potential, enhance content quality, and pave the way for strategic success in your ​podcasting journey.

What’s in Store for You


Launch Strategy ​Unveiled

Craft a compelling launch that ​resonates with your audience.


Quarterly Planning

Strategize your podcast journey ​for sustained growth.


Get answers to any burning ​podcast-related questions you ​have.

General Podcast ​Queries

The transformation ​that awaits you!

🌱 Positive Transformation: Witness the magic as your podcast ​transforms into a force of abundance and impact.

🌱 Authentic Connections: Foster genuine connections within a ​supportive podcasting community.

🌱 Personal Growth: Embrace your unique podcasting path while ​experiencing meaningful personal growth.

Headphones, Microphone, Laptop and Notebook on White Desk

Why choose this call?

  • Tailored Strategies: Your podcast, your way. We customize strategies to fit ​your unique goals.

  • Communication and Understanding: Experience a collaborative and ​understanding atmosphere.

  • Heart-Centered Approach: Infuse your podcasting journey with warmth, ​enthusiasm, and relatability.

Hi, I'm Aeoliana

Hi there! I'm Aeoliana (pronounced a-o-lee-ana), the founder of ​Top Shelf Virtual Services and a passionate podcast strategist. ​Originally from Puerto Rico, I've called the Tampa area home for ​over 30 years. Alongside being a dedicated wife to my awesome ​hubby and a proud hockey mom to my amazing son, I bring two ​decades of experience as a family and criminal paralegal.

As a podcast strategist, I specialize in helping female podcasters ​launch and grow their shows. My heart-centered strategies ​empower my clients to grow and monetize their podcasts while ​authentically serving their audience. I understand the challenges ​faced by podcasters and entrepreneurs and I'm here to offer the ​guidance and support needed to overcome those challenges.

Beyond my work, I have a passion for all things hockey, indulging ​in true crime stories, and continuously expanding my knowledge ​through podcasts. When I'm not immersed in the podcasting ​world, you'll likely find me cheering on my son at his hockey ​games or enjoying the calming sound of a rainy day. I'm thrilled to ​bring my expertise, enthusiasm, and heart-centered approach to ​help you transform your podcast into a platform of service, ​influence, income, and impact. Let's connect and embark on this ​exciting podcasting journey together!

Everything You'll Get

60 minute strategy session


30 minute follow up strategy session 30 days after ​initial call

Yours for the Low Price of $247

What Previous Customers Said

Five Stars Icon

Starting a podcast was fun and exciting until it ​became overwhelming and a little bit ​confusing. At about six months in, I scheduled ​a strategy call with Aeoliana from Top Shelf ​Virtual Services and sitting together made me ​know that I was 100% on the right track. She ​asks all the right questions and pulls from you ​what your long-term goals are for your show. ​If you are a podcaster and you wanna know ​how a service can better support you to grow ​and scale your podcast, then this is the exact ​call to make.

Cara Tyrrell, Owner and Founder Core4Parenting and Host ​of the Transforming the Toddler Years Podcast

Five Stars Icon

I just got off a call with Aeoliana and I have so much ​clarity about how to launch, manage and monetize ​my podcast. Aeoliana is brilliant and gave me so ​many ideas that are specific to me and my business. ​Also, I have already implemented a few of the ​suggestions that she gave to me and my podcast is ​on Apple, Spotify and Amazon, which is something I ​couldn't figure out before our meeting. I look ​forward to continuing working with her. If you have ​or want a podcast, Aeoliana is the Podcast Launch ​Strategist to work with!

Tirra Hargrow, Spiritual Coach, Certified Mindfulness ​Teacher, Priestess, Certified NLP Practitioner, Licensed ​Hypnotherapist and founder of the Goddess Inner Circle. ​Host of Soulful Goddess Living Podcast

Ready to get started?

Multiracial trendy women chatting during podcast in studio

TSVS 60 Minute Podcast Strategy Call

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